Call For Papers
This year’s one-day Graduate English Association conference to be held on February 12, 2010 asks presenters to engage the interconnections amongst sex, death, and boredom and to challenge conventional definitions of each.
Each panel will consist of three, possibly four short ten-minute presentations followed by a twenty or thirty minute discussion amongst panelists, conference attendees, and a moderator.
In addition to traditional academic papers, the committee encourages creative literary work, performance art, and multimedia presentations.
The deadline for submissions is December 12, 2009 .
Please send papers (300-word abstracts), creative work (ten pages or three to five poems), or performance piece and multimedia presentation proposals (single document) to: sexdeathandboredom@gmail.com
For more information, please visit: www.fordham.edu/sexdeathandboredomwww.fordham.edu/sexdeathandboredom